Keratosis pilaris (chicken skin)


Why do I have keratosis pilaris?

You have it because one of your parents blessed you with it (it’s genetic). Keratosis pilaris (KP or chicken skin or goosebump skin) is where your hair follicles get plugged up on the upper outer arms, outer thighs and bottom, and sometimes the cheeks. This makes the skin feel rough and bumpy. These bumps can get red sometimes, making them more visible.

How do I fix keratosis pilaris (KP)?

To fix keratosis pilaris (KP), you need to use the right acid-based moisturizers.

  1. At bedtime, put 10% or 20% urea cream on the bumps (urea is a mild acid to gently unplug the dead skin). For kids, start with 10% urea. For teens and adults, start with 20% urea). If you are treating the rough bumps on the face, always start with 10% urea.

  2. NOTE: As an acid, urea can sting when the skin is broken. Let the broken skin heal with Vaseline before starting urea.

  3. To speed the process:

  4. If the KP is red, you can also use a 1% hydrocortisone cream twice a day to decrease the redness until the bumps smooth out.

How long does it take to fix keratosis pilaris (KP)?

It takes 3-4 weeks to smooth out the bumps. Red or dark areas around the bumps take even longer – another 1-3 months. People usually stop using the urea cream after the bumps go away. But, because it is genetic, your skin naturally just wants to remake the bumps if you stop the urea cream.

GOOD NEWS: Usually you only need the 10% urea cream to keep the bumps away. The 10% cream is about half the cost of the 20% cream. Just apply the 10% cream every night when you brush your teeth before bed.

What if my keratosis pilaris isn’t getting better?

The steps above will work for most people to clear their keratosis pilaris. If yours is being stubborn, two additional things can help: 1) increase to a 40% urea cream, or 2) apply adapalene at bedtime before the urea cream to help the skin grow more evenly. If all of these over-the-counter options are not working, a prescription version of adapalene can help, but very few people need prescriptions for KP. Look for a board-certified dermatologist in your area. If you are in or near Utah, see one of my excellent colleagues at the University of Utah or me virtually with Honeydew.


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