At-Home Skin Exams


Why are skin exams needed?

Regular skin examinations at home are important in catching skin cancer early. Your risk of skin cancer increases with increased sun exposure (including tanning beds) over your lifetime. But monitoring your skin has never been easier. Most smartphones have very good cameras, and photos are backed-up to the cloud.

Steps for at-home skin exams:

  • Have a loved one take pictures of your entire back and of any other specific spots on your skin that you want to monitor. This serves as your baseline.

  • NOTE: These photos need to be in good lighting so that the skin spots are not blurry when you zoom in on them.

  • Then set a reminder in your smartphone's calendar to recheck your skin every 1 to 3 months

  • Look for any new or changing spots, spots that have started to grow, scab, or bleed or become itchy or painful, or for spots that worry you in any way.

What if I find a worrisome spot on my skin?

If you have spots that concern you, bring your phone with the original pictures of the spot(s) to your next dermatology appointment for review. Look for a board-certified dermatologist in your area. If you are in or near Utah, see one of my excellent colleagues at the University of Utah.


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